This article really hit home to me for two reasons: A I am from Michigan and only two hours away from Detroit and B I have been to Detroit more than twenty times. I truly respect Rembert so much for writing this article. There is such a dark connotation to the city of Detroit and yes in some cases it has earned it. But there are also so many beautiful, amazing aspects of Detroit that frankly people are too afraid of to go see. Detroit has a dark history and even today is dangerous but in all honesty what city doesn't have its bad days? I have been to a multitude of basketball, football, baseball, and music concerts there and I have never been robbed or hurt. I love the pizza and hot dogs places and the music that fills the air at night. I have also been to the Belle Isle Park and played soccer with my friends. No one got hurt and everyone had fun.
However I do respect Rembert for noting the bad sides of Detroit as well. No established writer can say that it is okay to only give one side of a situation. In order to make a well rounded opinion on something you have to look at both sides. The graffiti, as shown in the abandoned shelter is prevalent throughout Detroit. But on the positive side if you look at the pictures of the Hart Plaza amphitheater, you are able to see the beautiful paintings of jazz players and abstract ideals. Art is art no matter what anyone says.
Anyone who travels to Detroit will have mixed feelings. I agree with Rembert when he says the first three statement anyone says about going to Detroit are why? Be careful and take pictures. Detroit can be a scary beautiful place. Everyone is going to afraid of what they don't know. If all anyone ever said was that if you went to Detroit you would be shot and killed no one would go. But if people like Rembert showed the amazing, positive sides of Detroit maybe more people would be willing to help this handicapped city. The Heidelberg project is a beautiful example of this. The people in this city, even through nasty rumors, hard economic times, and more are trying to thrive and hold on to the amazing city Detroit once was. They work together each and everyday to better their city and I applaud them for that. More people should for their own homes. Detroit was once an amazing city. It shouldn't crumble over a few flipped cars and nasty rumors should it?
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